Tuesday 8 April 2014


I finally started my revision today, it was a long road to get into it but once I finally started, it felt good. 

I think the problem is with revision is the starting point, the first 20 minutes are the worst as you are constantly thinking "Oh I could be spending my time doing much better things right now", and you're right, you probably could, but think long term, look into your future and think how successful you could be.............................Nah, thats probably not going to help either. 

From my personal view, you need to think short term. If you are planning a day set for revision make sure you plan something for the evening or the day after. Nothing it worst than just spending a whole day revising then having nothing to look forward to, however don't just set aside an hour before you're going out because I can guarantee you won't get anything done, you will more than likely be focused on getting ready and making sure your hair is held together with enough hairspray.  

What always helps me is I don't set a strict plan of action, I allow it to be versatile. As long as you know what needs doing by a certain deadline then thats fine but just don't have a strict timetable....because if you are like me, you are not always in the mood or correct mind frame to focus on a certain or specific points, just do that bit when it feels right. 

If you feel like nothing is going in then STOP, move onto another subject or section because it is more likely to go in when you next come back to it.  

Like said above don't stick to a strict timetable, have a versatile one just with the things outlined that you need revise, then when it comes to it, do what you feel and most of all don't get stressed because at the end of the day you are guaranteed to do well because there's a lot of people out there who won't even of have revised, so you're one step ahead and well, they are still that one or probably two steps behind. 

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