Monday 7 April 2014

Men and fake tan

Summer is coming, Winter is basically still here and well im still pale... what about you? 

Under 18's can't legally use sunbeds nor afford a trip to a exotic climate, so what do we do? FAKE TAN. 

Many people mock fake tan, but it can be so successful as long as you apply it correctly and follow the right steps. Male or female, fake tan is unisex. Us males want to look like we have also had a month long holiday in the maldives as well you know! If you are male and reading this dont be ashamed by fake tanning but be proud, you are just making yourself look 10x healthier (or orange-er, this wont happen if you read on).  

Guide to fake tanning- aimed at males. 

  • Consider the time of year... are you going to be going topless and getting your legs out? if YES then fake tan the whole body, if NO then just do your face, neck and arms. 
  • How hairy are you?- fake tan will apply over bodily hair but c'mon if its that much then why are you even fake tanning? you wont be able to see it.  (I suggest a trip to the waxing salon)
  • Beard or no beard...if you regularly shave make sure you shave the night before or a few hours before applying the fake tan, when you shave your pores open, open pores and fake tan = bad fake tan. 
STEPS 5,6,7,8.....
  1. Plan your tanning session in advance- leading up to your tan exfoliate in the shower or bath with a good scrubber and keep your skin moisturized
  2. Shave the night before or a few hours before (like said above).
  3. Make sure you buy the right tan and a good brand (if you are pale then use your common sense and go for a light/medium fake tan...don't buy dark as you know and i'm telling you, you will be orange (unless you are naturally dark). 
  4. Before applying the tan, apply moisturizer on your;  feet, knees, elbows and hands, this will cause it to darken in these places. 
  5. When applying the tan make sure you are in a suitable location- your best bet is the bathroom. 
  6. MAKE SURE YOU USE A MIT (not a plastic carrier bag, yes this is a true story of someones applying method) 
  7. Get a friend to do your back! How ever flexible you are, it still wont go over evenly on your back, so phone a friend. 
  8. Once the tan has been applied, 'Relax, take is eassssyyyyyyyy' (Mika reference) don't even wash your hands as you will just smudge the tan before it develops. Don't Sweat. Don't move. Don't do anything. DO you want it to be uneven......
  9. After a good 6 hours (depends on the brand but it is usually this time) take a shower but don't scrub, just rub your body in your shower gel, you could take a bath if you want to experience brown water? 
Following these steps will lead you to have a fabulous tan, if it doesn't then I don't take the blame, you obviously did it wrong. 

BTW: when applying don't worry if it doesn't look dark enough, it will develop and darken over time- don't keep putting more and more on. 

ST.MORIZ fake tan, what I use, good value and a great tan. 

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